Aadim National SS/College is welcoming, engaged, and committed to innovation and excellence in education, research, creative activity, and community partnerships. It dares to be different and draws on its diversity to transform the individual, strengthen society and enrich the world. Our aim is to deliver first-class, innovative and responsive higher education programs that meet the needs of individuals, employers, and society. Therefore, AADIM gives importance to right attitude and discipline.
Discipline Codes:
- Students must follow AADIM code of conduct. Irresponsible and impolite behavior will be considered as an act of indiscipline. Serious misconduct will be considered as sufficient reason for expulsion.
- Students should maintain strict avoidance from smoking or chewing tobacco and gums in the college premises, in the college buses or anywhere while being in the college uniform or otherwise will be suspended even without a further chance of clarification or notification to their parents/guardians. Repetition of the same act will result into expulsion from the college eventually.
- Students must compensate all the expenses for any loss or damage, if caused by them, to the college property.
- +2 Level students are strictly prohibited to ride motorbike in the college uniform.
- Students are strictly restricted from visiting parties, cafes, restaurants and picnics (except organized by AADIM) in the college uniform and so, if found committing the same, the college management reserves a right to take any action without prior notice to the parents/guardians.
- Students will be warned of their minor misconducts for a timely correction and in case of repetition of the misconducts alleged; parents/guardians will be notified accordingly. But in case of gross violation such as; possession, use and peddling of drugs, alcohol, stealing or damaging college property, vandalism or group fight, the college reserves a right to expel the defaulter/s without any explanation or written notice in advance.
- Students should come at or before 6:30 am for morning shift and at or before 11:15 am for day shift. Late comers will be warned at the beginning for their late arrival followed at least 2 day- suspend in case of repeated late arrival.
- Student should compulsorily bring subject text books and necessary materials like calculator, graphs, stationeries etc.
- Student should maintain standard note copy, name sticker and log table as prescribed by the college.
Dress Codes: AADIM students
- must put on college dress to be present in the class
- must maintain crew cut hair (boys) without color
- must maintain tie-knot properly
- Must bring a decent school bag. The bag should be neat and clean with nothing scrubbed on it by student. Fancy bags are not allowed.
- must insert the shirt inside the pant
- must wear the college dress in the standard allowed and must not modify the dress arbitrarily
- may use blue color scarf/muffler during winter season, if required
- are strictly prohibited to have: dyed hair, jewelries, cosmetics, goggles, eye make-up, expensive, flashing, and fashionable dresses; and
- must wear black leather belt and shoes
Cell Phone using Codes:
- +2 Students are NOT allowed to bring mobile phones inside the college premises.
- If a cell phone is found in the college premises, If found, will be fined NRs. 500 for the first time.
- It will be seized for the whole academic session and the concerned student will be suspended for 2 (Two) days in repetition. Cell phone will not be allowed during terminal examinations as well. If found, action will be taken as per the college policy.
- During emergency, college may allow students to bring the cell upon acquiring permission from the administration.
- The college shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of cell phones if carried in the class rooms.
- Bachelor Level Students are NOT allowed to use mobile phones inside the classrooms.
Attendance Codes:
- A minimum of 90% attendance is a must to be qualified for the NEB & TU final examinations.
- Absentees, without prior written application or without prior telephone call by the parents/guardians, must pay a fine of 100.00 per day.
- Students who remain absent in the class shall inform the college administration by phone call on the very day and must produce guardian-signed application on the next day for the leave approval.
- In case of bunking the class students will be suspended for two days and if repeatedly bunked that will lead to expulsion as well.
- Absence due to ill health should be informed promptly. Guardians or parents should authenticate the leave application by signing on it along with the doctor’s prescription-if possible.
- Students who remain absent without prior information to the college administration for more than 15 days are subject to expulsion from the college.
- Once the teacher enters the class, students will not be allowed to enter without the permission slip.
Examination Codes:
- The college conducts three terminal exams and two unit tests in an academic session.
- If a student remains absent in the Term Examination, he/she will pay 500.00 for each subject as a fine.
- Parents/Guardians must accompany their wards to the college administration on the day of Report Card Distribution to collect the results of terminal examinations.
- Students must score at least 40 percent marks in Second Terminal Examination to be qualified to fill up the Board Examination Form.
- Students who fail or remain absent in the terminal examinations must appear in re-exam for which a sum of 300.00 will be charged per subject as retest examination fees.
- Students must follow examination codes developed by the college.
- Students who fail or remain absent in the unit tests must appear in the retest for which a sum of Rs. 200 will be charged per subject as retest fee.
Financial Codes:
- There is no fee or fine reduction under any circumstance for absentees.
- Installment fees must be paid within noticed period.
- Late fine will be charged at the rate of 200.00 for the next fifteen days of the month, and thereafter at the rate of Rs.1000.00 till the fees are paid.
- Students are bound to clear all the dues amount of one academic session before they fill out the Board Exam Form.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded.
- Fee counter shall remain open from 07:00 am to 4:00 pm on all working days.
Award & Recognition
Aadim Always encourage its stakeholders (Students, Teachers, Guardian, Management) and reward on the following basis
- Best Students of the Year
- Best Teacher of the Year Award
- Board Exam Topper Award
- Best Project Award
- Best Guardians Award
- Best Manager Award
- Best CR Award
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