
Field Work


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Field work is an essential part of Psychology program. The students are expected to undergo minimum of 10hrs per week practical field work. The students are evaluated on the basis of their attendance, application of professional skills in the field and reflection. The faculty/field work supervisors, both from the institutes and agency. Besides this, this course intends to furnish the students with Report Writing, Individual Conference, Group Conference, Neighborhood Camp, Rural Camp, Urban Camp, Block Placement and so on.

The course is divided as follows:


1st Year
Introduction to Psychology
Social Psychology
Introduction to Social Work
Sociology for Social Work
Com. English
2nd YearAdolescence and Juvenile Delinquency
Abnormal Psychology
Social casework/group work
Basic psychology for social work
C. Nepali

3rd Year
Psychosocial Counseling
Elective- General Psychology
C. English 403
Social Issues and leadership Development (Major)
Social Issues and Leadership Development (Elective)

4th Year
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Research Methods and Academic Writing
C. Nepal Studies 404- Nepal Studies
Theoretical Ideologies of Social Work
Social Problem, Identifications and Interventions

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